Here's where we stand; Nat'l Security threat ran for Prez, 2M Chinese spies embedded in consulates embassies and many major companies, many politicians blackmailed or paid off by Chinese, Russia hacks our Treasury dept computers, Rashida Tilab calling for Muslims to 👇👇
to make a move during January runoffs, McConnell turns on Trump, MI wants to sue @SidneyPowell1 and have her barred from practicing in eastern courts, 🐑 blind to the truth, voted for Biden, the DNI report now delayed, CA Johnson threatens Trumpers, get a slap on the👇👇👇
wrist for it. AOC et al want us blacklisted and placed in camps, Killary's emails still not released, Hunter is still walking free, AG Barr and FBI Wray kept Hunter's emails and collusion with Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, China, Romania and other foreign entities a secret👇👇👇
While the President was being impeached for lies about Russian collusion, Joe comments Quid pro Quo and brags about it with no consequences, admits to getting away with voter fraud during Obama era, Epstein supposedly hung himself in a cell where the cameras conveniently 👇👇👇
stopped working at that exact moment. Apparently 50 of Killary's 'friends' shot themselves in the back of their heads, sometimes more than once🤔. Seems DemonRats in political office are not susceptible to COVID, retards are blaming Trump for COVID deaths, we're basically 👇👇👇
on house arrest for a pandemic where the cure rate is 99.8% and you can have it and not even know it, they want us to wear masks, not for the purpose of preventing illness but to determine how many of us are compliant like good lil 🐑 We have mini 3rd world cities right here👇👇
In our country. City and state leaders make up rules for us to follow for our safety, yet they don't follow those same rules set forth for us! It's safe to go to Walmart, Lowes and Target but not to eat outside at a restaurant or bar and definitely not allowed to attend👇👇
Church! And most importantly we have blatant voter fraud in our election, not only by our own citizens but by foreign countries who want to turn us into a communist country! So basically certain people NEVER get what they actually have coming to them! And many of our own👇👇
government officials are on board with selling us out to the highest bidder. They want a UN Global NWO and they intend for EVERY country to be part of their plan! We have to stand up and use our voices and stomp this down now, this is our last chance to remain a free country👇👇
We have a lot to overcome but we have the greatest President in @realDonaldTrump that we've had since JFK. He has fought for us EVERY single day he's been in office. If you don't believe anything else believe that God's got this! Believe that Trump has a way to prevail👇👇👇
over these traitors that are trying to overthrow our government and unseat our President. He has kept EVERY promise he's made and he said we would not be a socialist country. There is a lot of evil in our presence right now and it is feeding off the loss of faith & the doubt👇👇
I know many are anxious, mad, depressed and that's what the devil wants. I too am ready for Trump to drop the evidence in their laps and say "I told you I won" but it's coming Patriots; hang on for just a little longer. It will be worth every minute we've spent waiting👇👇😬
Keep your eyes on the prize. Remember it's always darkest before the dawn and the dark can not hide from the light!
I wrote this because I have a lot of friends freaking out, crying daily, depressed and asking what do we do! We pray, not over the election but to draw closer 👇👇
To God and for HIM to restore our great nation to her former glory! This was never about a presidency; it's a spiritual war between good and evil. It's all going to be exposed; look whatsyalready coming to the light! Believe that Biden will never sit his behind in the👇👇👇
Oval office! He will not be president & won't be pardoning his family! On Jan 20th President Donald J Trump will be inaugurated. He was chosen for a purpose and he isn't finished with the job he was given! #HoldTheLinePatriots
You can follow @Trumpgirl1963.
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