god I loathe the sound of Frydenberg trying to orate Liberal Party lies. It is so grating and cringe. Every gulp. The cascade of bullshit.
I guess this MYEFO is the cue for press gallery journalists to scribble out their end-of-year sycophancies.
this loathsome drivel. They are literally incapable of making coherent, intelligible and accurate statements. Everything but everything they say is designed to deceive. For headline gulls. Which is why I have not yet tweeted a single thing he has said so far.
ah confidence. The thing innumerate boofheads like Frydenberg rely on to scaffold their fantasy headline figures. Oh and “normal lives”, for the wealthy comfy Liberal Party base who tell themselves those sweet sweet meritocracy lies.
big moment for Finance Minister Birmingham. Who has done a completely shit job as Trade Minister but hey wealthy white Liberal Party males do nothing if not fail up. His message is resilience, that shit the powerful leverage against those of us they actively target and oppress.
vaccine and international borders are the new headwinds lol at least vaccines are a tangible thing that exist.
while reciting his unemployment RATE lies (not actual unemployed people, who they only consider for targeted punishment) Frydenberg forgets what he is comparing his fabricated category of unemployment rate (effective) to (official, which he calls “normal”).
slipping seamlessly between taking credit for various fabricated figures and blaming external factors for poor performance and of course racistly externalising the shitfight Morrison started with our biggest trading partner like a belligerent drunk.
still lying about the recession he and his buddies caused from the moment of the Abbott Hockey austerity budget that tanked the post-GFC recovery, particularly by cutting wages and wages suppression and casualisation and their lethal oppression of people on social security.
far out this is grim. Frydenberg can not get enough of repeatedly blaming the worst economic management in the history of federation on a microbe. Birmingham is trying on imponderables for his fantasy script.
now Frydenberg is spruiking the $4 billion (additional) gift of our cash to business that is abusive rortable #JobChurner policy. Followed by lies about the $883 million gift of our cash to propertied rich people and tradies with PLENTY of work already ie the Liberal Party base.
Murphy asks if the Morrison government will allow Jobseeker rate to revert ie to the $40 per day rate of the old Newstart when the coronavirus supplement expires. Well Katharine as you know, begins Frydenberg, and ABC News24 cuts away to NSW Health minister Hazzard.
what Frydenberg was about to do was falsely conflate the coronavirus supplement with the base rate of Jobseeker, which HAS NOT BEEN RAISED, for the benefit of lazy and prejudiced haters including journalists who obediently repeat Morrison government lies on this every time.
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