
Just so people are aware, a major voice actor is working in tandem with his fans to wage a harassment campaign against both my reporting and women accusing him of sexual misconduct via a Google Doc.
Earlier today, I received this tweet in my mentions. This comes a week after another pro-Flynn Twitter account contacted my boss, in what was a very deliberate attempt to land me in hot water for my reporting.
When going through the document itself, I found several thousand words attempting to debunk accusations leveled at Flynn.

By the way. This document was being edited by who is very likely the person who sent that tweet.

Or maybe he has a lot of fans named Margo. 🤷‍♀️
But curiously (and I'm sure this will be edited out as soon as I call it out,) there were statements such as, "Q claims" or "said," implying that this person (or these people) have been in contact with him.
What this means is that, despite their best efforts to obfuscate it, a noted voice actor is using his fanbase to silence accusations instead of addressing them head-on.
I'm going to keep my opinion out of this. I haven't covered the accusations for weeks for one simple reason: proof.

There are several, several claims of wrongdoing. Personally, I believe them, and I think there's a pattern of behavior that is very easily drawn here.
That said, as a journalist, I can't report on every single anonymous accusation. I just can't. That's not the way this works. I support the victims. I believe them. But I haven't reported on the follow-up accusations for this very reason.
I wasn't planning on responding to this, to be honest. It's fodder for more harassment.

But, personally, I think a voice actor harassing a journalist and his alleged victims over these claims is cowardly and deceptive.

Anyway. I'm going to get back to my job. Cheers.
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