AZ COV2 Positivity Update: 12/16/20

AZDHS updated the dashboard by adding a "Tests Conducted" tab to the Testing section.

We now know 1.85M Diagnostic tests have not been reported, and the Pos% calc excludes 1.7M negatives.

My new chart shows each Pos%.

The blue & green Pos% curves on my chart are both visible on the AZDHS dashboard now (see pics 1&2).

Green: ONLY Positives / Tests for people who never tested before

Green: All Positives / All Tests

Red: Unique Positives (people) / All Negatives. We have to calculate this

We know to do this now only because of the new "Tests Conducted" tab and the Info button (pic 1).

It makes sense to only count a person as a case once (Unique Positive), but it does not make sense to only count the first negative test. Doing this inflates true Positivity.

It's actually valuable to know all of these %s, but the Actual Positivity (red line) gives us a better view.

It would be more ideal to exclude multiple negatives from the same person/same day. We don't have that data and is likely rare but is > 0.

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