it's late but one thing i do find odd is that we have almost zero anti consumerism politics in my generation
it's like we got as far as deconstructing the affected sort of aescetism of previous leftist movements, but didnt replace it with any thing remotely rigorous. we say 'individualist solutions aren't the thing' and sort of, stop thinking
i think a lot about how glad i am to be of a left movement and generation that isnt embarassed by joy. but that we're so uncritical - defensive even - about whether all pleasure can be part of that joy is weird. (i count myself in here btw, no interest in scolding anyone)
yes we know that individualist or lifestylist consumer choices dont really work. but.. what does work? and what makes us interested in thinking about those answers? because im not sure if resigned participation in a signifcantly extractive treats economy is the best we can do
i should sleep but, it was so bizarre that year on twitter where people kept dismissively saying '7 companies create the majority of pollution' like. okay but, what do they *make* and *who uses that*???
anyway, hopefully someone smarter than me can figure this out !
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