A lot of folk remember that Dr. Kizzmekia Corbett helped develop the Moderna vaccine. 👍🏿

Fewer folks remember that she also checked Dr. Fauci this summer, when he tried to say that Black folk died of Covid more, due to higher BMI caused by poorer diet and bad life choices. 🤦🏿‍♂️
Dr. Corbett correctly pointed out that *race* wasn't causing Covid to kill more Black folk, *racism* was.

Racist healthcare outcomes. Racism causing more early exposure (essential workers). Racism causing stress and lack of access to healthy foods and preventative medicine.
Fauci apologized, and agreed.👍🏿

She also warned that the incompetent pandemic response would devastate Black folk (since proven correct).

For this, she was attached on R*ddit, on here, on 4Ch*n, 8Ch*n, called every racist name in the book, and had to take her account private.

Now we're trying to get Black folk to take the vaccine, as we should.👍🏿

So we're all talking about her *science*, but not talking about her *experience*.

Black woman. Does exceptional science. Faces racism and threats online for her efforts. Told to tone it down.
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