The 20/7 Rule To Get in Your Flow State:
Context: I've been studying for a chemistry final and teaching myself calculus.

And I tried this out and it worked fantastically.
Here's How It Works:

- 20 MINUTES of the task you need to do but you'd rather not do. For me, it was doing chemistry problems.

- 7 MINUTES of something you enjoy doing that is also considered "work." For me, this was learning and doing calculus problems.
How about breaks?

Hmmm. Sure? Take breaks as you need to. I'd suggest every two or three sessions.

For instance, I was so into it today that I only took one break during the hours I was studying.
There it is!

I hope it helps you get more done in less time! And let me know if you have any questions!

Stay in the Flow!!!
You can follow @jdcampolargo.
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