Please remember there will be a sizeable number of people who will be pushing for endless lockdowns even after the vulnerable are vaccinated. The proper response is for us to 🔥 the science neeks
Expect to hear more and more stuff about the heckin long coviderino and how all the former rugby and football players now can’t get out of bed because they’ve become a long covid long hauler
There will also be continued dramatic daily updates on the news about deaths from a terrifying disease with a death rate that has fallen to like 0.05% (after the vulnerable are vaccinated), as 20 year-olds drop like flies, and the survivors are crippled with lifelong ‘long covid’
Anyone who criticises this will be informed that it’s ’only our fifth lockdown’ and scolded for ‘putting a value on human lives’, just because they want silly things like ‘having a job’ or ‘socialising with friends’, when all they have to do is ‘stay at home and save lives’
People who claim this won’t happen don’t see that this is completely in line with the logic of pro-lockdown policy thus far. Although I am hopeful the party and public won’t tolerate this, there is a non-zero chance we might have to wait for even young people to be vaccinated.
(I should note that Whitty's comments (that it is ultimately a political decision regarding how many deaths from COVID-19 we will tolerate) were both reasonable and correct. The problem is that there is a contingent who think the answer to this is 'zero', or near to that).
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