Something I've heard a few too many times is that Pete Buttigieg would be the youngest cabinet secretary since Alexander Hamilton. This is false. Earlier today, I realized just how wrong it was.

There are, in fact, at least 20 others who are/were younger than Buttigieg... (1/x)
First off, because we don't know Hamilton's birth year, we don't even know if he was the youngest cabinet sec or not. He was either 32 or 34 when he became our first Treasury Sec. This would either make him the youngest OR the second youngest secretary in US history... (2/x)
At 33, Richard Rush could very well have been our youngest secretary, becoming James Madison's AG in 1814. Rush went on to serve as acting Sec of State under Monroe and Treasury Sec under JQ Adams before ultimately serving at Adams' running mate in 1828... (3/x)
Next is Caesar Rodney (not THE Caesar Rodney) who became Jefferson's AG just after his 35th birthday in 1807.

Oliver Wolcott Jr, who succeeded Hamilton as Treasury Sec was also 35 when he took office in 1795.

Then there's RFK, who was 35 when he became his brother's AG... (4/x)
John C. Calhoun was also just 35 when he became Monroe's War Sec in 1817 before becoming one of just two individuals to serve as VP under more than one President.

Another inaugural Cabinet member, Edmund Randolph, was just 36 when he became Washington's AG... (5/x)
Samuel Southard was 36 when he became Navy Sec under Monroe in 1823.

John Schofield, namesake of Schofield Barracks, was 36 when he became War Sec under Andrew Johnson in 1868.

While we don't know Charles Lee's birthdate, he was likely 37 when he became Washington's AG... (6/x)
Hoke Smith was 37 1/2 when he became Interior Sec under President Cleveland in 1893.

Alexander Trowbridge is the most recent Sec (Commerce) to have *definitively* been younger than Buttigieg, starting his service in 1967 at age 37... (7/x)
Another big name here is Robert Todd Lincoln, who served as War Sec under Garfield and Arthur, beginning his service at age 37. Lincoln had the unfortunate luck of being closely tied to 3 presidential assassinations: his father's, Garfield's, and McKinley's... (8/x)
Benjamin Franklin Butler (not THE Benjamin Butler), was just shy of his 38th birthday when he became Jackson's AG in 1833.

Nathan Goff Jr was also just shy of 38 when he became Navy Sec in 1881 at the end of Hayes' administration... (9/x)
John Rawlins, at 38, had the shortest life of any cabinet secretary, dying less than a year into his tenure as War Sec under Grant. Rawlins had served as Grant's Chief of Staff during the Civil War.

William Bradford was 38 when he became Washington's AG as well... (10/x)
Julius Krug was 38 when Truman tapped him for Interior Sec in 1946.

Frank Hatton served as Postmaster General at the age of 38 back when it was a Cabinet-level position.

Henry Gilpin was almost 39 when he became Van Buren's AG in 1840... (11/x)
Finally, John Eaton was Jackson's first War Sec at age 38. Eaton was at the center of the Petticoat Affair and is also the youngest Senator in history because he was seated while he was still 28 in 1818.

I could go on, but this has become a long enough thread.

@SenhorRaposa @JMilesColeman @Yukongold1898 you'd all probably be interested in this
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