Been asked to forward this for "Concerned Penn"πŸ‘

**"An Out of Control "PEDIATRICIAN" who thinks "she" knows what's best for everyone.
Same one who moved "her mother" out of a nursing home BEFORE she moved Your mother into one during covid-19.
The Pennsylvania Secretary of Health. "She" has issued "Sex Guidelines" for everyone to follow during the "Covid crisis".
Everyone EXCEPT "her" of course.
The "madam dokter" broke all "her" own rules.
Free advice Sweetie: if you're going to be on tv constantly trying to "validate" your life decisions while you lock down the entire state, ruin lives, end jobs, destroy businesses, kill seniors, and lie constantly.
You might want to get a rental car the next time you sneak down to Maryland so you can be a "bad girl and service all those anonymous men" in the adult theaters. You've done it for a while, you think you would have stopped after being on TV so much πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”
Those glasses? That hair and "neck profile"? That mask didn't hide enough.
Nice bracelet πŸ˜‰
Reports say you visited several locations. Serviced anyone who would agree and that you "enticed sex from anonymous Partners by sharing nude/sexual pics on your cellphone of OBVIOUSLY underage children". Unquote.
Now where would a pediatrician get nude pics if children πŸ€”πŸ€”
Apparently the way You treated people made some enemies "dokter". Apparently there are "graphic photos and several short cellphone videos of your activities".**
I hope you'll take everything to heart, stay healthy, and do the right thing for everyone, pleaseπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™
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