I think @clintonyates hits on the issue I briefly touched upon earlier regarding the MLB/Negro Leagues news. One thing I 1000% agree with Clinton is MLB cannot remove the description and titling of the Negro Leagues. The players should always be recognized as Negro Leaguers.
The league wasn’t acquired by MLB. It isn’t a property of MLB. It is a standalone entity with its own incredibly rich history. That must always be protected and preserved when it comes to this MLB recognition going forward.
The other aspect of this that I’m honestly still struggling with is this idea of default authority. MLB is the only game in town so it posseses this power to unilaterally bestow recognition and determine the level of influence that recognition wields by default.
Simply put, it can determine the relevance or importance of things simply because it exists and there is no competing entity. I’m still trying to come to terms with today’s news. I’m genuinely happy for it but only through certain prisms.
Anyway, read @clintonyates piece in @TheUndefeated. It’s really good and incredibly important.
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