I just made the most mind blowing discovery about this covid-19 vaccine and I’m just... in shock

Idk if I should share it or like...
Ok so here it is in short:

Recently there was a merger between Monsanto and Bayer.

These companies have brought you things like : heroin! Agent orange! WW2 chemical warfare!

Bayer : on their website spoke about how they are funding the bill and Melinda gates foundation.
If you look closely at the comparison between GMOS’s and this vaccine you'll see the same concerns: the violation of informed consent, predominance of industry propaganda over actual science, the revolving door between government regulators and legislators and industry, and the
undermining of the fundamental right of bodily self-possession.

Now don’t get me wrong. I’m sure this vaccine will work. It has to. That’s how they’re going to make this money. It’s all about they money.
Know that I’m neither for nor against. I’m here for freedom of choice and healthy decisions.

To me it is completely unethical that we have allowed companies like Monsanto to be anywhere near vaccine development.
Their unethical history makes my skin crawl.

Knowing that Monsanto (owned by Bayer) is working hand in hand with Pfizer to create this vaccine is a huge conflict of interest knowing the history.

If you’re not aware of the history it’s all on google. Make your own decision ✅
Pfizer bought Pharmacia. Pharmacia merged with Monsanto after it merged with Bayer.

It is all connected.
If I die it wasn’t suicide and I love my life, my man and my family.

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