This has not been a good past 24 hours on Jwitter. @Claire_Voltaire got doxxed. And some people whose voices I respected seemed to equate that with Claire's criticisms of antiZionists. A thread about this. 1/13
Doxxing is not OK. This platform allows anonymity, and those who choose to utilize it should have that choice respected, with very few exceptions: using anonymity to dox someone else, or to threaten/incite violence. 2/13
There's also fairly squishy area of when disagreement falls into harrassment, as illustrated by the controversy over the "@arrytuttle" account, an anonymous account of a British barrister who attacked Jews who were active against Labour antisemitism. More on that below 3/13
People might have very legitimate reasons for anonymity: personal/family safety, job security, whatever. I personally know some high profile Jwitter people who have anonymous accounts. It's not your business to know who they are off Twitter. 4/13
Twitter can be a rough space. You want to post something? Then someone else can say something to you in response. Maybe it's rude. Maybe it's even hate speech. That's why there's a block button. 5/13
But citing someone else's posts--either directly or posting someone's @canarymission profile, which is simply screenshots of *their own posts*--and criticizing them, is a completely legitimate part of the conversation. 6/13
Even questioning someone's Jewishness-- as controversial as that might be-- is an entirely legitimate point of conversation within the Jewish community. 7/13
I'll utterly condemn anyone who claims that a convert is not legitimately Jewish. And I'll also utterly condemn someone who is not Jewish (by at least the standards of the Reform community) claiming to be Jewish, especially when engaging in antiZionism. 8/13
Nothing that I've ever seen from @Claire_Voltaire justifies doxxing her. It's even more egregious that it comes from people who are involved in Jewish community organizations. 9/13
And no matter who it is, never--not now, not ever, NEVER-- bring their children into it. Full stop. It's vile, whether it's Claire's child, or Ariel Gold's, or Ilhan Omar's. 10/13
Now to revisit the question of @arrytuttle. At the time, I certainly celebrated the revelation of who was behind the account. That barrister subsequently had to quit his firm, as he had violated its code of conduct. Like many others, I welcomed this development. 11/13
However, if the price to pay for maintaining Claire's privacy is having to tolerate the activities of another "arrytuttle", then on balance I think it's worth it. Because this goes beyond professional safety to a credible risk to her personal safety. 12/13
The people who outed Claire knew this. And that, plus violating her child's privacy, puts what they did clearly into the category of lashon hara. That's no more "legitimate criticism" of Claire than "from the river to the sea" is "legitimate criticism of Israel." 13/13
PS go ahead and disagree with me if you want, as long as you keep it civil. I won't block you for doing that.
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