And then to hear Matt Lyons, CPS Chief of Talent, say that "CPS has engaged with CTU. I've been to 43 meetings." Right, during which you told CTU "this is how it's gonna be", refused to bargain, brought ZERO info, & did not listen to 1 thing we said. #CPSTalkToUs #CPSFalseChoice
And then, he has the gall to say, "CTU just brought their plan last week" when THAT'S LITERALLY YOUR JOB, NOT OURS! CTU tried, pleaded, begged, brought in experts, rank & file and attempted to bargain, but CPS stonewalls and plays dumb #CPSTalkToUs #CPSFalseChoice #RealCPSEquity
And #CPSBoard just nods their heads saying "whew, glad to know that 100s of teachers, parents, and principalswere just lying." This is gaslighting. And they are covering up the fact that they KNOW It. Is. Not. Safe. #CPSTalkToUs #CPSFalseChoice #RealCPSEquity
We just had our CTU Joint Committee meeting with the heads of ODLSS and ISBE monitors last night. And they told us (the reps of CTU who are supposed to discuss sped issues) NOTHING. Sure, CPS comes to these meetings, but nothing is EVER resolved. We get no real info or answers.
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