so many misha newbies!!! all right folks WELCOME TO THE ENDLESS PARTY *cracks knuckles* Misha Collins’ given name is Dmitri Krushnic, yes he was a White House intern w Clinton, yes grew up poor / occasionally homeless, dedicated now to children’s charities / food banks / etc.,
he built his own house, he’s a poet, woodworker, was a lifeguard & EMT, published a cookbook w his wife, meditates, runs marathons (or, did), volunteers at a local soup kitchen, runs an annual scavenger hunt / art contest called gish, has a registered charity called Random Acts,
has built Haiti orphanage & Nicaragua school, is married to a philosophy PhD queen, yes they’re both poly, yes she wrote book on threesomes about their adventures, yes there’s multiple naked pictures of him but all blurry/distant or sideways or wearing a starfish so settle down,
he texts fans randomly, if you sign up (323-405-9939) you’ll usually get a text from him on your birthday that he swears he writes himself, but don’t feel bad if he never replies bc he gets 1000’s texts, he tries his best. now just a quick reminder about a few rules:
Rule 0: don’t reply to actor’s own posts w shippy stuff, invasive q’s about personal life, or pointless “hi notice meee” esp. when post is about something important like ohh control of the US senate

Rule 1: don’t tag actor in other posts about same stuff (shippy/invasive/etc)
Rule 2: be kind to other fans (unless they are breaking rules 0, 1 or 2 in which case block/mute & move on. Don’t waste your time on the crazies)

Rule 3: have fun

Rule 4: do good
congrats, you have self-selected as a fan of one of the most interesting, creative & kindest people out there. You know who else is also awesome? Your fellow fans! Get to know them. Like attracts like, we’re a tribe of weirdos out to make the world a better place. welcome 🤗
(*whew!* managed to get all the way through that without mentioning Rule 34 😅)
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