3 weeks removed from when people started gathering for Thanksgiving, let's see how those #COVID19 "surge upon a surge" predictions by Fauci etc panned out for those of us in the Midwest. Colored lines indicate each state's peak. They all occurred within one week of each other.
2/ The "surge upon a surge" narrative has no basis in reality. COVID outbreaks are clearly regional, regardless of the restrictions put in place by a particular state. This is perfectly obvious when you break out the regions one at a time vs. nationally. https://twitter.com/Humble_Analysis/status/1339061197107130374?s=20
3/ 4 states with some of the most lax COVID restrictions of this group of 9 have the highest decreases from their peak - ND, IA, SD and NE. Some of these states introduced new restrictions, mandates etc. but none of them align with when they peaked. Many came after.
4/ Every single state of this group of 9 has continued to see a decrease in cases since Thanksgiving. "Experts" in Iowa promised an apocalyptic post-Thanksgiving surge (a "tsunami", they called it). Yet here they are with the second biggest decrease.
5/ Even nationally, in a poetic turn of events, it appears ED visits for COVID-like illness (CLI) peaked on Thanksgiving day. A CLI peak has been a reliable leading indicator that case, hospitalization and death peaks are not far behind. https://twitter.com/kerpen/status/1338861415768096768?s=20
6/ What does this all mean? First of all, for 3 million Americans, COVID or not, 2020's Thanksgiving was their last. And thanks to widespread panic-induced headlines about the holiday, for many of those 3 million it was done through a low-res web camera, or worse - alone…
7/ …and it was all in service of trying to stop the spread of a virus that was largely predetermined anyway. Yet those that perpetuate fear and panic see no retribution for this. They move on to the next thing, whether it's cases spiking elsewhere or "long term effects".
8/ This leads to the question - how long do we allow these so-called experts to push lockdown policies that appear to have no effect on the overall trajectory of an outbreak? Do they continue to push these same failed policies over and over again out of self-preservation?
9/ How many more missed cancer diagnoses, how many more layoffs, how much more child neglect will we tolerate? And for what? To feed the fragile egos of career bureaucrats pushing policies motivated by political cowardice that is poorly disguised as morality? Enough is enough.
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