I don't want to be too woo-woo but sometimes I get premonitions ... like I'll drive by a location and think "I haven't done a call in there in YEARS" and then we'll do a call there. I have started talking about a specific, rare type of call ... and then gotten it. 1/7
Like I've said "I really like childbirth calls" ( I do, I'm weird) and an "imminent delivery" has popped up on our cad 10s later. And unfortunately I once said "I haven't actually attended a hanging in a long time" and our next call was a hanging. 2/7
This week alone it's happened twice where I've thought about a person or location and then within 24 hours I'm either called there or I see that person. Today I got the overwhelming thought that I'm going to a code tonight at work. That's a cardiac arrest. 3/7
I'm kind of hoping that because I'm typing this and saying it out loud, it won't actually happen. Not because I am afraid of it or don't want to do my job, but because it wasn't just the thought of the code that popped into my mind ... 4/7
It was the thought that somewhere in my city, someone is walking around on what could be their last day on earth. I hope, my gut said, that they are living their best life today and that they tell someone they love them, because this is their last chance. 5/7
So this has weighed heavy on me for the entire day. We never know when we're living our last day. Will my last words be angry? What if my kid's last memory is of me at my computer rather than smiling at them? What if a slammed door or a "later I'm busy" is the last memory? 6/7
The thing is, there will be a death somewhere tonight, there always is. So, mysterious person, I hope you get a chance to look at this sunset. I hope you took a big deep breath of this fresh winter air. I hope you smile and laugh and enjoy this day. Do your best. I will ❤️ 7/7
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