If you wondered how anyone could be so incompetent in the handling of a deadly pandemic, well...

...it was on purpose.

They WANTED us infected.

They wanted Americans to become infected in record numbers.

This isn't some conspiracy theory, those are their own words.

On July 4th, Trump administration "science" adviser Paul Alexander, alleged health researcher and former Trump Administration official who openly worked to muzzle actual doctors and scientists, wrote an email to his boss...

...Health and Human Services assistant secretary for public affairs Michael Caputo, which became the basis for the Trump Administration response:

You can trace Trump's own rhetoric directly back to this letter.

You can SEE it in the government's response, their demand to open business and especially SCHOOLS.

We WANT them infected.

That was LITERALLY their plan. Those are THEIR words. And they were willing to sacrifice just as many Americans to this voodoo woowoo as it took.

All while knowing THEY would get advanced medicines not available to the public if THEY got infected.

They sacrificed an entire Navy ship to this idea. Remember? And fired her Captain for trying to save his crew.

There was NO ONE they weren't willing to sacrifice for their own profit, for the stock market, for money.

The thing is, without a vaccine, there is NO "herd" immunity.

Just as there was never any herd immunity to polio or smallpox or chlorella or the common cold.

Or the goddamn flu, for that matter.

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