Just under a decade ago, I made a big move to #yeg to finish my degree.

Since that time I've gotten said degree, got engaged, had that engagement end, got a dream job teaching, lost that job and made countless friends who have impacted me.

Including @Burger_Baron.
Up where I'm from, the nearest Baron is an hour and 15 away so I never had the chance to enjoy the sweet sensual sauce that only thr Baron can give.

One of the first friends I made coming down, a lifelong friend, suggested the Burger Baron on 99th street.

I was hooked.
Since that time, no matter what happened, be it the massive changes in relationships or job loss, Baron was always there for me offering celebratory food when I was running in the election (pictured, the Rhino Leader from QC eating a mushroom burger), or comfort when struggling.
My time in Edmonton was a wonderful mixed bag of hardship and happiness, struggles and smiles.

But I want to say thank you @Burger_Baron for being one of the constants I had.

Your 124th street location is going to be closed until mid-January for the holidays...
I wish you, Carlos, the #GravyDistrict and all businesses in Edmonton a merry Christmas and my undying support for what this city brings.

Edmonton is amazing.

Keep the gravy flowing and thank you for one of my last big meals in #yeg.

(That Rhino sticker is still up at 124th)
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