The Mazepin situation remains grim and I remain depressed by all the people (men, lbh) I see in my mentions every day rushing to doubt and defense in ways I never see them do the other way around.
[ cw sexual harrassment ]
Even before the woman in the video made further insta posts recently that further contextualised the narrative, I think it's clear to recognise the body language in the original video
Not speaking for the woman in particular because I can't know her mind, but that's kind of the point. I think a lot of people recognised the 'jokey, light resistance' behaviour as a common defence mechanism
If you don't like what's going on, it's often safer/easier to keep things light and breezy than push back hard. Cause you don't want to start something with someone with more power
This doesn't have to be about sexual harassment or about women and men. You could be a man or a child in a position or lesser power (with bosses, adults) who knows it's often better to keep things chill.
Most will have been there at some point.
So my overarching point isn't about the exact Mazepin video but about recognising ENTHUSIASTIC CONSENT.
Whether it's about sex or touching or teasing (etc) unless you know people are game, you could be making them miserable.
Just... make sure you know people are fine and happy with what's going on. And if you're unsure or can't find out... don't do it?
Again, doesn't have to be about sex or women. Just think about what you don't really like people doing to you. It could be that.
And I make this thread just because so many people were so quick to be like 'it's fine, she's joking around' rather than being more cautious. Cause I think we should just be more cautious in general with other people.
Some people will be all 'snowflakes' and 'safe spaces' about this kind of thing, but why wouldn't we try and treat people in a way that didn't upset them, if we could? Why not have respect for each other?
That's it really. I wasn't gonna write all this cause women were already saying it, but a lot of people listen to me so I hope you'll listen to this a bit.
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