I am the great-grandson of undocumented immigrants.  My husband came here illegally with his family when he was just six months old.  We have great personal empathy for those that journey to the United States, leaving everything behind, believing in something better for
themselves and their families.

As alderman, I represent large immigrant communities, documented or otherwise, all wanting a better life in safe, welcoming neighborhoods. I am humbled by what my office does every day to help ensure my residents, regardless of citizenship,
feel welcomed & supported in their pursuits.  

Let me make one thing clear: I will not stand for positive opportunities to be hijacked by individuals wanting sanctuary for the small number of criminals in our midst solely because they also happen to be undocumented too.
Criminals committed to violence and terrorizing our neighborhoods should not be given the same respect!

The current Welcoming City Ordinance says that no city department or agency will cooperate with the federal government on deportation matters or use someone’s citizenship
status against them or their family.  There are only four exceptions exist in the law concerning when an individual 1) has an outstanding criminal warrant, 2) a felony conviction, 3) pending felony trial, or 4) is on the city’s gang database.  

Mayor Lori Lightfoot & her allies
want those exceptions eliminated.  In communities where I live, like Brighton Park, there are real, dangerous consequences from what Lightfoot is proposing.  

A self-identified gang member (from my ward) with nine prior arrests will appear in Cook County Circuit Court tomorrow
facing his recent felony gang charges.  He is also an undocumented individual.  Lightfoot’s changes would give him sanctuary in Chicago.  

This cannot happen.

I stand with my residents in saying “NO!”  I firmly believe that Chicago must remain a sanctuary for all that wish
to add to our city’s greatness, regardless how they got here.  However, we must continue to recognize the difference between those undocumented individuals wanting to improve our city versus those that would seek to harm it.
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