Let's expand upon @LizardKing_95 's status for a moment and look at it like the problem solvers we are.
Being a good mother is top priority in my eyes because how you mother determines how your son turns out later on in life. This is not to discount the role of the friend or
Sister but the mother's role is most important.
With this info, we can analyze what is being done incorrectly and make the necessary changes so that we build up men that already exist and raise men who do not have to cope with their childhood.
So this is what this thread is.
The school system is a common complaint I hear and of course I experienced it as a child. It is not built with children in mind, but especially not boys. Some of these issues are shared with girls but let's focus on boys right now.
The school system stifles the boy's intrinsic
Motivation to learn. It takes away autonomy and freedom, right out the gate. In school, he is not free to be who he really is. He's not free to explore or run around. So boys are already indoctrinated to believe who they really are and what they really want does not matter.
This ties directly into depression later in life.
They're also forced to be away from their family for most of their life, no connection to their parents. -Nine hours a day in what functionally serves as day prison, 12 years of this.
Then we wonder why there becomes a massive
Disconnect between us and our boys.
Solution: The combination of unschooling and respectful parenting. This choice leads to strong problem solvers who are confident in their abilities, know who they are, and know what they want out of life.
This is the only option that
Gives children their autonomy and freedom while also establishing and maintaining a strong mother/son bond. -and we all know how important a mother is in regard to how her son turns out.
The next issue is an authoritarian parenting style.
Not only are our boys told they must
Be everything they're not in school, but they're also told that at home. The common authoritarian parenting dynamic involves parents using reward and punishment models that only stifle intrinsic motivation and create internalizers and externalizers. When met with a punishment, a
Boy will either internalize ( I am bad. Mom shouldn't want to be around me) or externalize (I don't deserve this. How could you do this to me, next time I wont get caught)
Both are very dangerous mindsets to hand our boys. It not only deepens the divide between mother and son
But also opens the door for even worse behavior to occur.
Solution: Respectful parenting. And doing away with the reward and punishment model all together. Instead, use our problem solving skills and communicate with our kids. We need to teach them healthy and appropriate ways
To express their feelings and be there for them when they need support.
Rewards can also be replaced by taking advantage of the boys intrinsic motive and simply asking for help when we need it.
Honesty, open communication, and understanding will get you very far.
I'll be right back to talk about other female roles in a man's life and other issues men have that we as women can solve.
Okay, so I got some clarification on what overfeminization is and how it manifests in today's society at the expense of men.
This is what I was told:
From an early age, the sort of aggression present in men naturally is indoctrinated or beaten out of boys.
Boys and men are
Discouraged from competing.
Solution: Respectful parenting and unschooling. Don't take that natural drive from them and they'll have it when they get older (which is when they need it the most).
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