1/ While we wind down & start thinking of our holidays, please spare a thought for people for whom Christmas is not a good time of year.

For children who were raised in abusive homes, Christmas can be a harrowing experience where victims may have to relive their traumas.
2/ Victims of abusive parents/partners/caregivers are in a double-bind because they have to not only deal with the Complex PTSD arising from their abuse but may feel forced to be 'festive' because everyone else is doing so.

Abuse can take many forms.
3/ Of course, there is physical & sexual abuse which our society is very well versed in, but there are other types of abuse that are not as easy to detect.
4/ Some children could have been emotionally neglected, belittled, insulted or even 'mobbed' by their family of origin, where various members took turns to verbally assault the person.
5/ Children raised by alcoholics, drug addicts or narcissistic parents may find the holidays particularly harrowing as they felt that they had to walk on eggshells to deal with their low-functioning caregiver which made them especially vulnerable to more trauma.
6/ To escape these abusive situations, there are some people who have had to go no-contact with their family of origin.
7/ But that is the nuclear option: often these individuals are negatively affected financially, emotionally & mentally often leaving behind the only support network that they knew.

Make sure you check in on your friends.
8/ If a person is a little more withdrawn during the holiday period, take notice. In these strange times, their feelings maybe more acute. Your interaction can make someone's day.

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