This week's #WednesdayWritingTips are indeed on Wednesday! They are hopefully tips. And all about writing.
This week we're talking about EVALUATION.
1) Importance of evaluation
I'm a big believer in 'taking stock'. Stepping back and reassessing anything in life periodically can be really useful, rather than just consistently ploughing on in the same direction. That works for writing, too.
2) Evaluate the year
This may not feel very welcoming considering 2020, BUT looking beyond the obvious, what worked well or not so well for you, writing-wise? What have you learnt? (checking if mic is on 'mute' and you're not in pyjamas are valid points...)
3) Evaluate your passions
There may be outstanding stories from 2020 which you haven't written yet. Do you want to carry them over to 2021 or are there others you feel more passionate about? It's fine to jiggle your To Be Written list, and even remove things
4) Evaluate your resources
As thoughts start turning to 2021, think about what you have, how best to use it, and also what else you might need to make 2021 a successful writing year. (And yes, you always need more notebooks).
5) Evaluate the balance
How is the writing/work/life balance going? Does it feel like it sits well? Or are you being tipped too much in one direction? It's easy for things to build up & be gradually pulled in one direction. See if any areas need addressing.
6) Evaluate the costs
Because if you're having a serious go at writing, it WILL cost you. Not necessarily financially (although it may). But time, energy, sacrifice.
What are you willing to 'pay'? How can you stay 'within budget'? Make a 'budget' plan?
7) Evaluate the benefits
Yes, it's been a challenging year, BUT as you evaluate everything, remember and celebrate the positives. They will be there. How can you take them forward with you in 2021? How can you build on them further?
December is a great time for evaluation so when January rocks around, you're ready to go. I hope you find it useful. And if there are areas which challenge you, reach out. Writing is a tough old road, but other writers know what it is like to walk it ♥️
You can follow @AmySparkes.
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