Many parents worry about this, as well as people thinking about having children. #OCD does tend to be more prevalent within families, but it's important to remember that the research is unclear on how much is children learning behaviours versus some kind of genetic component
However in answer to your question (and this is just my opinion): I exhibited compulsive behaviour from a young age that was not discussed with me, despite other people in my family having had similar experiences. Looking back, I wish someone had brought it up with me...
...or just asked what I was doing/explained in a child friendly way what compulsions are and why they are counterproductive. Even to say they had done similar things themselves. I'm not saying they had to label it at that point - perhaps a label would not have been...
...necessary if it had been dealt with earlier. OCD and compulsive behaviour is known for being easier to 'nip in the bud' the closer to onset it is detected and worked on.
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