since I’ve been on edtwt for almost six months here are some things i’ve realized/noticed/learned etc (a thread)
no one cares about ur cw. in a reassuring way though. if ur cw is high don’t feel bad about it no one will make fun of you i promise
yes people actually have piss kinks... thought it was a gag at first but it’s true for some lol. not kink shaming i just thought it was an inside joke
apparently minority/lgbtq+ minors are more predisposed to have eating disorders??? which sucks in addition that almost all representation of eds in mainstream media are cishet white girls
stuff that are labelled as zero calories actually have more than zero calories in it 😣
thinsp0 porn is surprisingly hot
gum can make u gain weight...? almost cried when i found this out /hj
everyone is pretty supportive :) most people are pro recovery and will constantly support u 💓
everyone running pr0 ana accounts are either 13 and “edgy” or 30 and unemployed no inbetween LMAOO pay them no mind they’re not worth ur time
walking burns a LOT of calories. get a step tracking app.
sometimes our bodies confuse thirst for hunger. if ur hungry and want to keep restricting have water. if ur no longer hungry u weren’t hungry u we’re just thirsty
all of our digestive systems are beyond fucked lol. take probiotics
the 5 calories that are in ur vitamins are worth it. take ur vitamins. take ur meds. i promise it won’t change much
eating higher than ur intake ≠ binge (binging is a mindset)
rince ur mouth with baking soda and water after purging. it prevents erosion. however purging in the long run WILL ruin your teeth (either internally or externally). that is inevitable
don’t purge noodles. don’t. don’t do it .
almond milk is nasty as hell. if u like it good for u (😟) . if u don’t, cashew milk is creamier and tastes better and it’s 25 cal per cup
have breakfast if u can it makes a huge difference for ur metabolism and energy
ik none of us are healthy 💀 but try to have at least ONE meal a day. even if it’s disordered lol. don’t spend all ur calories on junk it’s better to have lower calorie filling foods. it’s ok if u can’t, i can’t always do it either
coffee coffee coffee
don’t let anyone ever make fun of ur intake. tell them to go fuck themselves. this is EDTWT not competition twt. ur doing fine
a lot of people here are undiagnosed (me included) that doesn’t mean we don’t have eds. it just means we don’t have access to those ressources/family issues/literally anything else. u are valid regardless if ur diagnosed or not
a five pound weight gain is usually not noticeable. if you’ve gained that much don’t feel too bad about no one else realizes i promise
ok feel free to add anything. you deserve recovery and if ur reading this go drink water and stretch (if u can) ! 💕
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