1. The Social Security Law reform will reduce commissions on privatized AFORE retirement accounts by half. Although this does not return pensions to the public sector as is needed (and as the Worker's Party is proposing), it's a step to curb worst abuses. https://www.jornada.com.mx/ultimas/politica/2020/12/16/agradee-amlo-al-congreso-reformas-del-periodo-7309.html
2. The reform to the Infonavit Housing Law will allow workers to access their housing benefit to buy land, build a home, or buy a used home. Before, they were locked into buying substandard housing from abusive construction companies which pocketed billions before going belly-up.
Again, this reform does not build the public housing Mexico desperately needs. But it breaks the back of the construction mafia that reaped windfalls of government money by building the garbage housing that litters Mexico's ex-urbs. More on this here: https://www.latimes.com/projects/la-me-mexico-housing/
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