Why to fight for Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump as President for the United States of America!?:

Do they will by any means necessary lie, cheat, and destroy!

The United Nations is a threat.
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This is a file to download. Agenda form the United Nations in 2015, which gives 15 years to develop, thus now called Agenda 30.
See section 24 (page 10 & 11) for Poverty Implementation.
"ALL people must have a BASIC standard of living" including through "Social Protection Systems". Do you know what this MEANS!? It means Yes, no one will have poverty. Isn't that great!
Guess who will give up their finances and well being for others? You...all of us. There is no choice, this would be government implemented through, "social protection systems". You would be protected, because a system would be in place for everyone to be protected to receive.
However, that means you have no justice in having it being equal now across the board..it is taken away from you! Because no ones in poverty and we're all equal with government assistance, to receive "basic" necessities.
Section 25 (page 11)
"Inclusive and Equatible" this means EVERYONE gets EQUAL, which also means, take away from some to give to those that dont have. It doesn't mean you get to choose to give, it is taken by the government and given.
"full realization of their rights", this means education, including college and vocational schools is a RIGHT, not a choice. All money needed to undertake educating the entire world will now be paid by everyone, EVERYONE! (which they call free tuition, free education)
Section 26 (page 11)
Medical Insurance
"Universal Health Coverage" for ALL! Again, the world is paying for this. Everyone being equal in coverage means those who work will pay for the rest of the world.
Its NOT free. Plus, the rest of the paragraph defines how they decide what health and medical care is. No more choice will be involved at all. They decide how to take care of you and what health means.
Section 27 (page 11)
Equal Economics for the entire planet
"WEALTH IS SHARED AND INCOME INEQUALITY IS ADDRESSED" yes, they want to take away any money you have to make you equal with every single person in the world.
Don't bother trying to make it to the top because your income will be spread to everyone. So, since everyone feels that way, everyone becomes poor and slaves to the government. Get it?
And it goes on, and on, and on!

The United Nations is working with the world to obtain this as its government, as its New World Order. Every US President except Trump has been working towards this.
Why do they hate and want to destroy Trump? Because he is messing with their plans. He wants a FREE nation not a tyrannical one.
You have to start listening to the phrases and words they use when they lie to our faces that they are doing things for our BEST INTEREST as a nation and as a world.
Just in case you have never heard a president say it, doesn't mean they haven't been saying it over and over again.
Here is video for you to see for yourself I am speaking the truth:
Did you hear that? The United Nations is planning the NEW WORLD ORDER. President George Bush in 1991 said this and he believes in The founders from the UN!!!
I dont know about you, but the FOUNDERS of the United States of America have the best foundation of a FREE people. This is the United States Constitution and the Declaration of Independence!!!
These are the rights of a free people to make "choices"!!! This is what should be taken around the world, not the forced way of the UN. Don't fall for their slippery words of "prosperity for all and not one person left behind".
People who are free make choices to give, to help, to make changes, not an "everyone will do as I tell you" world way. I hope you can see this.

P.S. I hope you downloaded the doc. You can compare what I'm saying in these tweets.

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