Black Americans do not need to spend our lives searching for some African identity. Who we are is more than enough. if you feel the desire to that’s fine, and if you don’t that’s fine too. It’s not anybody’s place to question our identity or make us feel obligated to do anything
Cus at the end of the day our DNA is so scattered we will never know that info lol so what’s the point on dwelling on it? What do ppl gain by trying to convince us we should stay stuck on something that we can’t change
Like those African countries didn’t even exist prior to colonization, so if a mf can’t tell us what TRIBE we are actually from what’s the point? And those DNA test don’t tell us that and aren’t even really accurate
The sooner y’all realize ppl want us to hate ourselves & stay in a constant state of low cultural self esteem just so they can feel superior the better. Stop falling for that sht. Majority of ppl who constantly bring it up unprovoked are being shady.
Hell they be more pressed about it than we are. Anybody that’s actually genuine wouldn’t try to make you feel less than just to connect with africa. Real mfs would simply invite you to learn about their culture while respecting that we are our own ethnicity now with a lot to be
proud of. When all is said and done our ethnicity was born here in the Deep South of America. No matter what we are who we are now and nothing will change that and it’s not a bad thing. Nothing we do will make us the same as continental Africans. Hell even 1st gens aren’t exactly
The same as continental Africans and they still have direct lineage and family there. Please embrace and know who you are and stop letting other ppl tell you about yourself. Mfs intentions do not be pure
I would love to connect with Africa but when ppl try to convince me that I shouldn’t take pride in my specific ethnicity and that I should hate myself I get pissed lmfaoo like wtf bitch pls
At the end of the day when all is said and done ima always be a girl from St Louis with Mississippi roots. Connecting with Africa won’t change my accent, it won’t change the way I was socialized, it won’t change my mannerisms.
We come from a strong beautiful rich lineage of black people who were survivors and literally changed the fucking world & continues to influence the diaspora daily. You gotta be smoking dick to try to convince me that I should denounce or not take pride in my ethnicity
I love the diaspora, I respect the motherland and I’m PROUD to be a Black American period. My origin point lies in Africa but my roots and family are literally from here in America. So please do not tell me that “I don’t know where I’m from”. The end
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