“What,” Iida stresses the word, screwing his eyes shut in frustration, “is wrong with you, lately?”

Kaminari watches his boyfriend’s white knuckle grip on the kitchen counter, and feels that odd anger bubble in his chest. “What’s wrong with YOU lately?” https://twitter.com/kaacchaann/status/1338895913046208512
His tail had spiked up at Iida’s sharp tone—a natural response to have to your boyfriend finally snapping at you, after clearly holding it in all week—but almost as quickly as it had pointed, Kami swishes it around and folds his arms.
“You are being pissy. What do you want? How do I fix whatever it is I did to upset you?” Iida asks, stalking closer.

Tenya towers over Denki by a solid foot, so even if he weren’t seething, his approach would send Denki’s instincts into overdrive.
His body demands he scurry away—but he knows Tenya won’t hurt him, no matter how peeved he is.

“What. Do you. Want?” He asks, and Denki wants to answer, he really does—but he doesn’t know.

He has no clue what he wants.
He isn’t due for a heat, and things are fine at work. His boss is still a dick, touching his tail without permission—but he couldn’t tell Tenya, that would only cause a homicide.

Plus, it didn’t bother him enough to quit, or else he would’ve—so he has no idea what’s
soured his mood lately.

No clue at all, which is why although he doesn’t /want/ to, he still narrows his eyes up at Tenya and snarls, “Oh, fuck you.” before attempting to walk away.

But Tenya reaches for the back of Denki’s neck.
Denki’s eyes go wide—and he knows Iida wouldn’t ever dream of hurting him, but the sudden move makes his heart hammer in his chest and his ears twitch.

His instinct again is to claw away, but Iida only presses their foreheads together, his palm keeping Denki still.
“What do you need?” He asks angrily.

“I don’t need anything from you; let me go.”

“What. Do. You. Need.”

Denki struggles a bit, so Iida growls in defeat; but before he lets go, he drops a little peck onto Denki’s forehead.

“Fine. Go.”
And it’s like a lightbulb goes off in Denki’s head. His cheeks flush as he blinks out at Iida, watching his gentle giant return to chopping vegetables for dinner.

There’s still aggression there—Denki can see it in the way Tenya grips the knife—and he can’t help but want it.
“W-Wait,” Denki squeaks, his ears turning out and sagging slightly. “Tenya?”

He doesn’t even turn around. “Yes, Denki?”

“I-I’m sorry.”

Still no further attention. “Mhm. That’s alright. You can go if you need to.”

“I think I know what I need now.”
That gets him to set the knife down, and turn around.

Impatience is strong in his dipped brow, and in the way he quickly wipes his hands with the dishrag and tosses it aside. “What?”

“Can we go to bed?”

“You can go to bed.”

“No—I mean, can we...”
Iida’s jaw flexes, and Denki can’t tell if it’s arousal or annoyance.

Probably both.

Tenya sighs, pushing the cutting board further into the counter.

“You know I love you, right?”


“Good; because I’m about to fuck you like I don’t. Go.”
“Go?” Denki squeaks, his tail curling around himself wearily.

“Go.” Iida’s brows go up, his patience clearly starting to wane. “I’ve got to put these things up. You know how I want you. Go, and wait.”

Denki doesn’t ask again. He turns and damn near sprints to their bedroom;
stripping out of his clothes on the way there.

Iida’s a fairly big guy, so it was only natural for them to get a big bed—it takes Denki a good crawl to get himself into the center of it, and another the shift himself towards the headboard.
Denki did, indeed, know how Iida wanted him:

Sat back on his heels, knees wide, hands on the top wooden beam of the headboard, just shy of looking into the mirror hung over it.

He sits there, anticipation thrumming in his veins, as he hears Iida fussing with the dishes.
He almost can’t believe himself—he’s been an asshole to Tenya all week, and why, because he wanted attention?

He would be embarrassed, if he weren’t so turned on by Iida’s promise.

Shifting his weight, he lets out a sigh. He’s gotten down to his underwear—a
black bikini thing that wasn’t at all sexy. Just as he starts to wonder if he should chuck it on the floor, Iida’s steps signal him joining.

There’s another sigh from the doorway—a disappointed one.

“Why are your clothes all down the fucking hall?”
His voice makes Kami’s back go board-straight.

He did haphazardly discard them—he was just so excited—

“—And why are you still wearing those? You’re having a hard time listening, aren’t you, baby?”

Kami glances down at his underwear, shifting in them nervously.
“It’s okay,” Tenya’s voice rumbles, and Denki gasps, shifting up to glance in the mirror.

There, he can see Iida slipping out of his shirt, and he has to shift again when his eyes settle on that big broad chest.

“I know exactly what you need. I’ve known all

Kami’s temper flares, “Then why didn’t you—“

Iida doesn’t even have to speak to silence him. He just meets Kami’s eyes in the mirror, and the glare in those deep blue eyes stops him dead in his tracks.

“I wanted to see if you’d ask. You didn’t.”
Kami pouts, but licks his lips when Iida continues to disrobe. His pants go next, folded neatly over and set on the dresser. When he starts making his way to the bed, Kami drops his gaze.

“I wanted to see if you’d be good and ask for the things you want, instead of being a
bitchy little kitten and breaking things.”

The bed dips behind Kami, and he holds his breath.

Then, Iida grabs his tail, yanking it up hard, arching Kami’s back perfectly.


“—But you didn’t, and now I’ve got to punish you for it—”

“Look at me.” He says softly, but sternly, and Kami looks into the mirror. “You aren’t sorry. Yet.”

Kami whimpers, his ears turning down as Iida shushes him. Rough hands pull his tail through the hole in his underwear, before yanking them down just enough to expose his sex.
“What do you say if you need me to stop?” Iida asks.


“That’s a good boy, come here.” He hums, turning Kami’s face to gently kiss him. “I love you.”

“I-I love you too, Tenya.”

“Mhm. Grab the fucking headboard.”
One second, Kami is tightening his grip on the wooden slat, and the next, Iida’s cock is splitting him open.

He’s slick, sure, but Iida’s dick is big—and he never, ever just slips in one go.

The intrusion makes him scream, but Iida’s palm claps over his mouth.

“We’ve got
neighbors,” He reminds him. “Be a good slut and keep quiet.”

Iida’s other fist remains tightly on the base of his tail, using it as leverage to yank Kami down to meet his thrusts.

“All week—all fucking week—Ive been waiting to fuck you back into your right mind. Fuck is
wrong with you, kitty? Does Daddy not touch you enough?”

Denki tries to shake his head—Tenya touches him plenty, he’s just greedy, fuck he’s SO greedy for this cock—but Iida misunderstands the gesture.

“Oh I don’t?” He growls, “Wrong answer, baby. I guess I’ll have to leave
more bruises, yeah? Then you’ll see me and feel me, even when I’m gone, right?”

Iida’s hips start moving faster, his huge thighs slapping against Denki’s.

He moves his hand away with a staunch warning, “I don’t want to hear you.”, and uses that hand to knead at Denki’s hips.
The grip there is bruising for sure, tugging Denki down on each of his thrusts up; and Denki is sure he’ll see it there tomorrow.

“Little kitty—you like Daddy all mean, don’t you? Yes you do, look at this toy all hard for me—“

Iida grabs at Kami’s cock, his huge palm
engulfing it, and tugs on it a few times.

Denki can’t help it—he wanted to stay quiet for him, but he can’t—

“Oh fuck yes—yes Daddy, please touch my cock, please!”

Iida noses at those pretty golden ears and growls. “What did I say?”
He smacks Denki’s cute little cock once, before curling his palm around his throat instead.

“Now you’ll just have to cum from getting fucked. Shouldn’t be hard, right? You’re gonna be my pretty kitty and cum like a good slut?”


“Look at me.”
Golden eyes meet dark ones in the mirror again, and they’re deathly serious.

“You fuck with me like this again, and I might not have it in me to be nice, baby. I’ll put your cock in a cage and make you hump your pillows to get off.”

Denki breaks eye contact, his pretty
golden lashes fluttering as his eyes roll back in his head, and he cums pitifully against the headboard.

“Theeeere’s my good boy.” Iida coos, swiping the hair out of Kami’s face as the poor hybrid collapses against his chest. “That feel good?”

Kami barley nods, blissed out
and reeling. He barely registers Iida pushing him forward and tugging his hips up, into a deep doggy pose, before he starts moving again.

“Oh fuck, Daddy, wait—“

“What are you supposed to say if you want me to stop?”

“I don’t—want—stop—just—“

Iida grabs a handful of
his hair and growls, “Then shut the fuck up and take it—this is a punishment, baby. Don’t think because I let you have yours first that I’m not gonna take mine, too.”

“Oh-oh-oh-fuck,” Denki gasps between strokes—and he wraps his tail around Tenya’s hand.

“If you’re lucky,”
Iida pants, angling his his a bit—“I’ll make it good for you again.”

The round tip of his cock is pressing firmly over his prostate with every thrust, sending Denki’s hands scrambling in an attempt to scurry away—but between Iida and the headboard, he’s stuck.
“Nowhere to run, kitty. Be good and take it.” He gasps, all rough and ragged, and Denki all but creams himself again.

When Iida cums, he groans harshly and falls forwards, hands slamming against the headboard to keep himself from crushing Denki.
Denki mewls contentedly when he feels Tenya’s palm swipe down his back, settling just above his tail—so he curls the fluffy appendage around his wrist again.

Iida hums out a little laugh, but strokes through the soft fur.

“Good job, Denks.” He coos, easing his boyfriend
onto his back, and sliding down to settle against him. “Took it so well.”

“Thank you, Daddy.” He mumbles, arms curling around Iida’s broad shoulders possessively.

He might not notice his purr start up—but Iida does, so he lets Denki pull him close and drift asleep against
his skin.

They could have an /adult/ discussion about his behavior some other time.

For now, his kitty needs his sleep—because as soon as his cock is up again, he’ll be yanking Denki onto his hands and knees by his tail.
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