It seems to me that if the government wants to “trust people” and are determined to cling to this idea that people should use their judgement, then a helpful thing to do would have been to design a basic, ideally printable tool people could use to conduct a basic risk assessment.
It’s significant, I think, that we’re coming out of a twenty or thirty year period in which “health and safety” has been demonised as a load of useless red tape that stops important and fun things being done.
Now apparently a nation coached to regard health and safety as stuff and nonsense is being asked to effectively conduct a personal risk assessment on behalf of every potentially vulnerable member of their family with no guidance and no basic framework.
I can’t count how many people have said today “use your judgement”. Judgement has to be based on something. How can people use their judgement if they haven’t been given any tools to do so?
Of course another thing that would help would be if the conversation was conducted in terms other than the grossly infantilised “are you going cancel Christmas prime minister” approach we currently seem to have.
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