The LGBTQIA+ tag on Twitch has been the number 1 solution for me to find other streamers who are like me. It has created its own community for discoverability that didn’t exist. I understand Twitch’s concerns about having a Trans tag but I believe their should be a Trans tag.
I’m in strong belief that there needs to be an ally tag or something. People want to tag their stream as a “safe space” but it confusing. I get people’s intent but from personal experience when I go through the tag I’m not looking for allies, I’m looking for people like me
It takes away from those streamers who are actually in the LGBTQIA+ community when an “ally” uses the tag for discoverability. If you are currently using it and not in the community please understand the concerns of people in community and know why it can not be helpful sometimes
To be honest I don’t think you need to use the LGBTQIA+ tag to explain your stream is a safe space for LGBT people. It should already be that way without having to take away from those who are. Put it in your panels or just conduct your stream as such. Mini rant done.
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