woke up this morning and decided, yeah, actually I do have the time for this. so hot take: leading with science can be as problematic is leading with out it [THREAD] https://twitter.com/joebiden/status/1338285576328531970
“correctness” and “rightness” are sold by the govnernment so that they can manufacture lies. the moral objectivity and authority of science is the vehicle by which they deliver this scheme
as someone with a lifelong passion for science, I know and can see it’s infinite capacity for good. but it’s time we as people stop accepting science as the ultimate good
in a society facing a modern pandemic where some people reject science in favor of their opinions, do we need strong leadership that pushes facts? absolutely!
but if we are centering scientific research that rejects traditional, indigenous knowledge and marginalizes oppressed communities further if they don’t fit into the western narrative of science, what good are we doing?
BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and differently abled people are inherently excluded from science unless their visions are amended to fit into “justice, equity, and diversity” goals of big science
I’m not saying reject science. I’m not saying don’t listen to the experts. I’m saying we don’t need another administration that is gonna wield science as a means of putting people down further and to advance their own agenda
I’m saying we can’t lead with science. We need leadership in charge of this country that won’t put science first, but that will put its people first. let science support and uplift, not be judge, jury, and executioner. look after one another first and foremost
the breadth and depth of scientific accomplishment must always be in celebration of humanity and to the access and benefit of every last person. the continued use science as a means of differing ourselves from others and creating elitism is how we lose
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