The Purple Shall Govern. A symbol, colour and tool used by those that claim to govern, and do it by deception @humanvibration
The Purple People shall govern
Lucifer is known by the colour purple
Purple is more menacing than black
Prince is also known for the Revolution and Purple rain. Royalty and colour and this deception of the end go hand in hand
Alice Walker and The Colour Purple
An award winning book, a movie, a musical.
Steven Spielberg directed The Colour Purple. He’s known for taking fiction and making it appear real and plausible. A master of deception, fear and untruths
Oprah’s big onscreen break came from the Colour Purple. Where she played Harpo’s wife. Oprah is Harpo backward. The backward language often used for deception
Lucifer-Purple Pyramid
The purple effect
Nobel prize for Peace
Apart-tied. Distanced, apart. Politically enforced segregation. Tied-apart. Dismemberment. Time to step back
Purple Haze cast on the inhabitants
A thousand points of purple. Maybe it was written for him
The sky is purple when light is scattered. Distanced. Apart.
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