Ask yourself this:

If the leading party in Westminster were Labour, and the leading party in the Senedd were the conservatives, would Abolish still want to abolish?

Of course they wouldn’t. It’s not about what they think is best for Wales; it’s what they think is best for…
…the tories. Abolish are nothing but members that failed in other parties *cough* Reckless *cough* or nobodies *cough* Simon Rees, Cameron Edwards, etc… *cough*. They don’t love Cymru, and nor do they care about Cymru… they only love and care about themselves - the true…
…Tory way… and if the dickheads are reading this (they almost certainly are), Cymru wants the Senedd which is shown by the 2011 referendum for more powers, all the polls in favour of more powers and etc. You’re not even a registered party ffs.
You’re more than happy to be clowns being paid by Welsh taxpayers so maybe you can earn your own money and get paid to be a clown by people who actually want you. #AbolishAbolish #Annibyniaeth
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