No one asked for this but if you're trying to decide what to gift someone you love and don't want to make garbage/be garbage/support garbage, here are some ideas:
— First recco will always be @librofm, which is like audible except it doesn't support Amazon and instead you get to pick your favorite bookstore. You can gift memberships to your friends and then they can pick out whatever books they want to read/listen to.
— Does your friend have critters? @Chewy has only ever been amazing to me and their gift cards can be really useful!

— Does your friend like ~self-care~? Check out @lushcosmetics or @petitvour for gifts or gift cards that don't hurt animals and produce minimal waste.
— If you know your friend well enough to comfortably give them housewares (THIS CAN BE DICEY), try a subscription to @grovecollab, a certified @BCorporation that is reducing plastic in the home sector.
— This is a potentially unpopular opinion, but: Ask your friend if there's anything they need that they wouldn't mind getting as a gently-used hand-me-down. Re-gifting has a bad reputation but sometimes your friends or fam just need something that you have and aren't using.
— Is there something you're good at, like yard work or chores? Or maybe you have a car and they don't? Services can make really thoughtful gift, so long as a.) you're not a dick about it when they come to collect and b.) you actually know it's something they need/want.
— SEND. FLOWERS. I will always recommend sending plants/flowers from local florists. You're supporting small biz and it just makes people feel special. Plus, the turnaround tends to be pretty quick so even if you forgot to plan, you can appear thoughtful.
— And finally...DROP 'EM SOME CASH. This is 2020 my man! Most of us are only unwrapping things from our letter carriers. We have abandoned all tradition. We need $$ to support our digital retail therapy.

PUT MONEY THEIR VENMO & if you need to feel festive add 30 present emojis.
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