Being accepted in the tribe has been an evolutionary imperative for hundreds of millennia. Exile, or even significant exclusion, would mean both reduced resources and reproductive opportunities as well as increased danger. Banishment often meant death. This pressure remains.
Whenever an individual directly contravenes social norms or rejects core group-think belief systems they risk modern equivalents to societal exclusion. This often triggers very primal fears. Cognitive dissonance is one mechanism to remain in an evolutionarily safe position.
Whether a person questions the popular dogma around Covid19 lockdowns, 911 attacks or UFOs the potential societal risks are much the same. From a strictly evolutionary survival perspective its usually best to express the popular belief, no matter the facts. Or shut your mouth.
As a general rules 'cranks' of all sorts, myself included, are best ignored and pushed to the margins. Facts be damned. Because essential social cohesion trumps most revelations. It sucks that it's true, but it is. However, sometimes the cranks revelations are essential.
I bet you any money that back in 79AD some crank was running around Pompeii with a crazy theory the volcano was going to explode, annoying and upsetting people. No doubt such persons eventually left, along with the few that believed them. Similar tales litter our history.
Today we've reached one of those moments where the cranks need listening to , be they conspiracy theorists, religious nuts, shamans, alien contactees, all seemingly sharing much the same warnings. This 'reset' business is big trouble and ignoring the cranks ain't fixing that.
If you think we have some strange ideas you ain't heard nothing yet, wait till you find out what the parasitical predatory world controllers believe. Their New World Order is literally planned to be built after the old one is destroyed. Certain cyclical events are underway.
These maniacs have access to most everything we 'cranks' do, and all of us know shit is now entering the fan. They intend to have full authoritarian control before excrement starts spraying everywhere. Ready to build back better their dystopia. Ordo ab Chao is their motto.
As someone that's spent 30 years exploring hidden knowledge, including boots on the ground global adventuring, I can tell you our ancestors went to enormous trouble to warn us about cyclical chaos and 'reset'. They were no fools, just look at the marvels they've left behind.
Exactly what combination of events (natural and man-made) leads to the initiation of full chaos remains to be seen, but we are clearly well into the process. The recurring focus on 2030 should give people a hint of the basic event timeline we are on. They are under the gun.
As with every previous societal 'reset' there will be pain. There will be human lineages that progress no further than this shake-up. Suddenly, being a 'kook' out on the fringes of conventional thought becomes an evolutionary advantage.

Get on the last boat from Pompeii...
If you still feel confident the globalist predatory parasites world controllers are just building a tyranny to help the serfs with covid and C02 issues, so be it, I wish you luck.

For everyone else, there's a deep rabbit hole you need to go down if you want us to triumph.
You can follow @ExogenesisHH.
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