1. I understand the sentiment, but stop saying things like "while we have monuments and streets named after slaveowners, Germans have long denazified because they're ashamed of that history!" Upon further investigation, you'll see that nothing can be farther from the truth.
2. True, you won't see avenues named after Hitler or Himmler, but many institutions and streets are still named after Nazis, Nazi-adjacent figures, and collaborators.
3. The part of Germany that *did* denazify was the eastern part, but since the downfall of the GDR, army bases named after anti-fascist heroes have since been renamed, and some of those names are in fact the names of beneficiaries of the Nazi regime.
4. In addition to learning about Black history here in the US, it's time to relearn a whole lot of foreign history, because you've been lied to about that as well. On the topic of East/West Germany, I highly recommend Victor Grossman's book "A Socialist Defector"
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