Hey, let’s do a follow-awareness thread! I usually don’t do these because I like way too many people and I don’t know who wants more attention, but here are some smaller accounts:

@k_dewolfwrites is a psychologist, brilliant, and nice human being, unless you’re Amber Heard.
Wow okay got massively distracted XD but let’s get back to it!

@MistressSins is fun, nice, and completely shameless.

@ayumeril is a wonderful human and a really good artist, though she’s usually very quiet and shy.
@drawnoutofshape is a long time friend, a kind and compassionate soul, a patron of the arts, and a brilliant poet. Check out her work- you won’t be disappointed!

@modernbutch has a fascinating mind and writes really on-point threads about spirituality and growth.
Jumping to some larger accounts:

If you don’t already follow @KatyMontgomerie, you’re probably new to Twitter. She’s endlessly patient and very political without ever being petty.

@notCursedE is another political type, but she’s more a highly entertaining fireball. 🔥
If you’re feeling down or invalidated, or you want to read amazingly interesting perspectives on the science of being trans, follow @Emmy_Zje! She’s taught me so much 🥰

If you like super inspiring stories of family acceptance, @robxxnn has been posting genuinely beautiful ones.
@lisaquestions often posts really interesting thoughts that have sent me on fascinating tangents.

@Tiothae and @MargotAudero are kind and sweet and always there to comfort you when something’s up.
There’s a ton more but I can’t recall their @‘s right now so I’ll have to wait for them to pop up. Oh! Never forget @ZJemptv, whose website http://genderanalysis.net  has one of the most utterly impressive and important collections of well-researched essays on trans stuff on the web
If I missed you it’s not cuz ur any less awesome but because I am a smol hooman with teeny brainspace and also the little list of people twitter shows when you @ didn’t remind me XD
You can follow @Kinysis.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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