❥ How to reduce hair loss so edtwt won’t turn bald — a thread ⁎⁺˳✧༚
One of the most common side-effects of eating disorders that some people tend to ignore is hair loss. Since we don’t get enough of some vitamins, your hair falls out.
There are however some ways to reduce the amount of hair you’ll lose or even keeping your hair in your head
One step you could take is taking in supplements of certain nutrients that you miss because of restriction. I’ll name some of them here with an explanation.
Biotin or vitamin H is involved in the fatty synthesis in the body. This process is essential to the hair life cycle which means biotin is essential for good hair
There’s also one study that shows that Vitamin D is associated with nonscarring alopecia. Treating deficiencies of this vitamin may help with regrowth. Vitamin D can also be gained by being outside more often so take some walks outside!
Ginseng is also very useful to help reduce hair loss. Ginseng contains certain phytochemicals that may promote hair growth on the scalp. If hair grows, it will reduce hair loss because spots become less visible
You can also opt for a Multivitamin supplements. Those contain a good diversity of vitamins and that can help getting enough nutrients to protect your hair
With meals there’s a study that claims that Mediterranean diets also can help with your hair. These diets contain a lot of raw veggies and fresh herbs that has a good amount of nutrients in it. This diet is also very taste and low cal so perfect for us!
There’s also several ways without food or nutrients that can be used with preventing hair loss. I’ll name some of them down below!
One thing that you can do is massaging your scalp. Several studies have shown that massaging your scalp once every day for four minutes can help your hair.
Another advice is to use hair masks. You can also use coconut oil because that’s been proven to be effective too! Massage it gently onto your scalp so you won’t harm the quality of the hair
Try to reduce the amount of times that you wash your hair. It often happens way too aggressively. When you do wash your hair, do it in a gentle way and consider buying hair products that are less harsh on your hair.
A very obvious one but don’t dye your hair too often. Hair dye often contains a lot of chemicals that hurts the quality of your hair which may result in a rise of hair loss.
If you do want to dye your hair, consider a color that isn’t a big change and make sure to keep taking proper care of it afterwards with masks etc.
Adding on to this, also try to reduce the amount of use with styling tools. It’s for the same reasoning as with the hair dye because in this case heat also harms your hair quality.
When drying your hair, don’t use heating tools! Let it dry naturally because that way you protect your hair the most. If you are in a hurry: use a towel and do it gently because your hair is at its weakest state when it’s wet.
That was it for now! Do keep in mind that you can’t prevent all hair loss because normal people also lose hair everyday. You do can reduce the amount but don’t panic when u still see hair loss
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