Exodus Cry are appropriating the language of 'abolition' in order to push an extremist anti-sex, anti-LGBT agenda. https://twitter.com/SlaveryMuseum/status/1339149039431012353
Prostitution is not the same as slavery, because sex workers sell services, not 'themselves'. You're not an abolitionist because you want to restrict people's rights and criminalise sex work.
There's so much wrong with their website and this take on 'abolitionism'.

1/ Wilberforce did not end slavery! He played a key role in negotiating the legislation that allowed the British government to suppress *the transatlantic slave trade* (in limited ways).
2/ Legislation didn't end the slave trade, or slavery. Resistance, rebellion, and agitation led to legislation. Legislation alone does nothing.
3/ What legislation did do was criminalise the enslavement of people. Where the government chose to enforce that and punish enslavers, the slave trade and slavery were (slowly) suppressed. Exodus Cry want the criminalisation of *all* sex work: porn, prostitution, stripping.
4/ That's the criminalisation of sex workers, all of them. Slavery is already a crime, trafficking people is a crime, sexual assault and rape are crimes, so what is it that needs to be criminalised? According to Exodus Cry, it is sex workers.
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