Terrific @ian_cushing talk this evening. Thoughts spiralling sideways from it...
1) I think a concern with education management so uncritically adopting these regimented language policing practices is not just the effect on pupils (which is rightly a major focus) but also...
2) the legitimising of the deskilling of teachers, a deprofessionalising of teaching praxis.
This obviously sits alongside the marketisation of education.
My fear is that (anecdotally), it’s already possible to see a generation of edu-managers who see teaching as the easy bit...
3) and the generation of statistics about teachers to be the challenging and important professional calling.
In such a world, one “succeeds” not by being a skilled teacher (because there’s no such thing), but by writing the best recipe for drone teachers to follow...
4) Does that make any sense as a concern?
As I said, it’s right to prioritise the impact on the children, but I’m interested in the impact on the adults, and the ideologies / worlds the adults have to work within.
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