Handy guide to commenting on cycling
1. Read the Hway code
3. There is no road tax
4. Seriously it was abolished in 1937
5. 5 people a DAY a killed by cars
6. 2 people a YEAR killed by cyclists
7. Estimated 1m uninsured cars in Uk
8. Its legal to ride 2 abreast (see point 1
9. Seriously see point 2
10. Helmets do not reduce serious cycling injuries and death
11. Cyclists love data - try so some research on actual facts before commenting unsubstantiated bollocks
12. Seriously there is no road tax
13. Estimated 85% cyclists own cars so we do pay VED, and have insurance
14. Seriously there is no road tax
15. Investment in cycling returns £7 for every £1 spent
16. Cycle lanes do not cause congestion
17. You do NOT HAVE to ride in a cycle lane (see point 1 & 2)
18. I'm not joking - 1937 road tax was abolished
19. My fingers are tired
20. White lines do not constitute a safety measure
21. You do not HAVE to get in front immediately, you will not die waiting 5 seconds. The cyclist might.
22. Road tax still isn't a thing
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