Why is everyone mad at Pelosi and Schumer? They did a great job inflicting meaningful consequences on Trump, saved ordinary people from poverty during the coronavirus , bravely called out fascism, and didn't get rich in office! We wouldn't be where we are today without them.
Not to mention the leadership! The public didn't want impeachment, but Nancy Pelosi was the one who told us it had to happen and took the most aggressive approach possible. People didn't want a response to Louis Dejoy sabotaging the post office, but Pelosi led the way.
Can you imagine where we would be right now without Pelosi and Schumer? There'd be nazis marching in the streets beating people up, millions on the verge of poverty from economic collapse, massive security threats hitting our government, and we'd have lost seats in the election!
Now, many people say that just because Nancy Pelosi's dad had ties to organized crime and was on the record praising the confederacy, this would disqualify her from being an effective opponent of the racist mobster government. But I think her record speaks for itself, doesn't it?
Similarly, some people said that just because Chuck Schumer used to attend Roy Cohn's birthday parties at studio 54, that he came from the same world as Trump and couldn't be trusted to oppose him. But again, I think his actions speak for themselves.
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