🧵because my school is closed today and I am teaching third graders remotely. Some challenges I don’t think can simply be “improved” about remote learning:
1. A student is in a day care center (someone’s home). Every time she turns on her mic, we hear screaming toddlers and big kids cursing. I can solve it by muting her, but she can’t mute that for herself. I gave her headphones, but obviously not noise cancelling...
Imagine trying to learn like that— it’s not surprising she is always asking for clarification and doesn’t participate in assignments and activities. Others experience this in their own homes. Lots of people in a small apartment = lots of noise and distraction.
2. I have 4 level B readers in 3rd grade. They need intense intervention because they cannot read. I meet with them in small group to provide Fundations phonics instruction. Fundations is successful with a lot of physical manipulation, tapping out words/sounds/etc.
If you haven’t tried to teach someone to read via computer screen, please do not make the assumption that we just need to focus on “improving remote instruction.” It just isn’t the same. It’s cruel to children and their brains.
3. One thing that I think CAN be an improvement in remote instruction is the use of small groups/partner work through breakout rooms. This increases student-to-student discourse, gets everyone involved and accountable, allows for differentiation, fosters collaboration, & is fun
Today my principal came to my Google Meet while we were in breakout rooms. I was working with a group and added him to another. He returned and let me know the partners were not there, it seemed they had stepped away from their screen.
I’m one teacher, I can bounce back and forth, but I can’t physically see them all at once. We have, of course, discussed expectations & trust, but they’re 8. Maybe they went to the bathroom, maybe Mom asked them to help with something, who knows.
4. Physically, this is brutal. My neck is having spasms, my Apple Watch is telling me to move, and I’ve had 3 cups of coffee instead of 1. Even did Phys Ed & brain breaks w/kids. It’s not the same as actually walking around and moving your body.
I could go on and on, but these are some highlights and my frustrations today. We need to stop calling for improvement on things out of our control.
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