One of the biggest advancements in technology from Cyberpunk 2020 to 2077 involves food. We'll need to give some background for this one. #cyberpunktech
By 2000, a combination of climate change effects, designer bioplagues, and economic collapse had rendered much of the world's farmable land not so farmable. What was left got taken over by Corps. #cyberpunktech
The Corps found it more profitable to produce the wheat used to make CHOOH2, a cheap biofuel that supplanted other fuel sources, especially for vehicles. #cyberpunktech
The end result is "real food" became a luxury item. In 2020 and 2045, if you're rich you eat actual veggies and meat. If you're not rich, your diet contains a lot of kibble. That's dog food for people, folks. #cyberpunktech
Those of you playing Cyberpunk 2077 will notice you aren't finding/buying many bags of kibble. There's a reason for that. The reason? Cloning technology. A byproduct of the 4th Corporate War was a significant advancement in cloning tech. #cyberpunktech
We aren't talking about super science fiction "make me a new sleeve" cloning here. We're talking about "you need a new heart, let's clone one from your cells instead of looking for a transplant" cloning. #cyberpunktech
By 2045, the technology is advanced enough and cheap enough that getting a new pair of cloned eyes should your's be damaged is actually cheaper than buying a set of cyberoptics. It is, however, not cheap enough to make cloned food affordable to the masses. #cyberpunktech
By 2077, that's changed. Vat grown meat and Biotechnica greenhouse farms make substances approximating natural foods in terms of texture, flavor, and nutritional value something that anyone can afford, assuming they can afford food at all. #cyberpunktech
Actual "classic" natural food remains a luxury item in 2077, though. Most people will go their entire life without eating, say, a real apple grown on a real tree or a real steak made from a real cow. That remains the province of the rich. #cyberpunktech
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