Honestly, sometimes I think people think those of us with platforms and book deals and agents and connections were like...born or emerged somehow into this industry fully formed?

It doesn't work that way.
Know why I'm friends with/adore Becky Albertalli, for instance? Because we became friends back when I was a newbie book blogger and just happened to be looped into WNDB, the same team that Becky - who just got her Simon deal - was looped into as well.
Know how Aisha Saeed is my baji (big sister)? Same era, same experience: I've known Aisha baji from before her book deal and she's known me from before anyone cared what I was saying.

You grow with your friends, and your friends grow with you. That's how it works!
If you're approaching this industry with the mindset that you're going to pick and choose based on where people are right now, or where you judge they will end up, you are approaching it in the entirely wrong way and people will see it in you and they will not forget it.
I love my friends not because of who they are signed with, or how much their debut brought in, or whether or not they hit the NYT, but because of the people they are, the work they do and what they mean to me.

That's. It. This is the mindset you need to cultivate NOW.
I still remember who made a ton of remarks about my having a chance of hitting the NYT with The Gauntlet - and how quickly they vanished when it didn't hit. I remember how that made me feel.

I remember who didn't have time for me until I had a deal. I don't forget.
I don't know how many different ways I can say the same thing: be a decent human being and make friendships genuinely, rather than out of the expectation that they can get you somewhere.

Because, also some real talk? Even friends can only get you so far in this industry.
So if you are shaking your head and rolling your eyes and going, "Yeah, yeah," and still fooling yourself that climbing on top of people and kicking them down is going to get you anywhere - it really doesn't?

Just...be decent and treat every author with respect.
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