I'm in emergency medicine conference this morning and will drop random tidbits here that will be entertainingly indecipherable to anyone outside of medicine
"The linear array transducer is your 'desert island' probe"

I think I'll just tweet that from time to time, apropos of nothing
Bryson and Nikolai love to hydrodissect with lidocaine. This is a fact.
When lung starts to look like liver you can switch to a liver probe but also please acknowledge how messed up that is
Haha one of our residents, about a fluid collection: "that effusion looks like it's complex and has issues to work out"
Someone mentioned how anesthetic toxicity is additive across types and now I am rocking back and forth about how I've maxed out on one and switched to another with all the confidence of ignorance. This is why you attend conference.
Raise your hand if you've decompressed a pneumothorax based on US and everyone from there on doubts your original diagnosis.
Now we're all swapping stories about our Covid pneumothoraxes (pneumothoraces?). From my smart friend Jeff: "my friends in Barcelona have been chatting about this as well. They think decreased compliance (stiff lungs) with hard forceful coughing blowing out weakened parenchyma?"
No US doc worth their salt should talk about beaming without mentioning Star Trek.
I'm no US specialist but I think we can all agree that when lung fields look "wormy" on US that's probably not great (dynamic air bronchograms)
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