I’d rather have one of my Twitter gym bros or gym babes making health decisions for us than Fauci or Gates

The thing is though, they’d be too effective
Big Pharma would lose a fortune

Imagine your average Joe or Jane actually exercising, getting sunlight, dumping seed oils, cutting out processed foods, and enjoying life

Cancer rates and diabetes would plummet
If there a Big Pharma conspiracy to keep us fat and weak?

Well, if you immediately dismiss it without even considering it, I’d lose some respect for you

I’ll explain
I was brainwashed as a child to have a 3-2-4-4 day

What does that mean?

Lots of grains. Limit meats and eggs
Remember? Red meat bad. Egg yolks bad. Margarine good. Butter bad. Canola oil good

Turned out every single thing they said was wrong
My parents listened and I got hypoglycemia from that shitty diet

I moved out at 19 and kept that same garbage diet

I didn’t get red pilled until 44
Then it happened

My hypoglycemia was suddenly gone

I had endless energy. I felt better

I started not only beating, but shattering my previous PRs, despite being in my mid-40s
Do these gym bros and gym babes know more than Fauci and Gates about health?


And it’s not even close

I’ll outlive Fauci and Gates. I’ll outlive their kids too
Get red pilled, my friends

Big Pharma is lying to you

They want you fat, weak, and miserable because they need customers
As for our gym bros and gym babes?

Their motivations vary from altruistic to ego driven

Regardless, the results are the same - your sexy ass after pics

And while normal people will be on a cocktail of drugs in their 50s and miserable, you’ll still be enjoying sex in your 80s
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