1. These are the facts. Democrats have also taken advantage of the existing legal cracks and gaps in our justice system, as well as the control they exercise over many of their officials to easily evade each attempt to investigate fraud.
2. And they take for granted that our blind trust in the system and the Christmas festivities will prevent 74 million patriots who vote for Trump from taking to the streets long enough to force the media and justice institutions to take the right side of  the history.
3.Of course, they know that if an event of such magnitude occurred, they would be left alone.Because having no way to hide the facts, the media will abandon ship.And most of the public officials who up to that moment supported them will do the same to avoid being linked to fraud.
4. We can choose to continue to trust the integrity of our justice system. Democrats will buy the time necessary to legally establish their dictatorship, and once they do, they will disarm the people to prevent rebellions and they will hijack our democracy and sever our freedom.
5. Or you can choose to spend this Christmas in the streets with 74 million patriots like you doing the necessary pressure to overthrow the charade of the Democrats and their allies.  And in this way prevent our democracy from being hijacked and our freedom from being curtailed.
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